I am very pleased to have co-authored two accepted papers at this year’s Americas‘ Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2021).

The first paper is entitled „A System Dynamics Model-Based Simulation of the Data-Driven Automotive Service Ecosystem“.

paper entitled "A System Dynamics Model-Based Simulation of the Data-Driven Automotive Service Ecosystem" accepted for AMCIS 2021

The second paper is entitled „Digitalized Mobility“.

paper entitled "Digitalized Mobility" accepted for AMCIS 2021

Together with my colleagues Peter Mörtl and Alexander Stocker, I’ve attended the aegis* kick-off meeting in Berlin and presented the q-car idea as part of the demonstrator/pilot use case „automotive and road safety data“, where we use data from a self developed vehicle data logger (based on a beaglebone black single platine computer), develop algorithms on the aegis platform and a smartphone application. weiterlesen

At some point in 2015/2016, right when hypes like big data and the Internet of Things reached where present all around, my colleague Alexander Stocker come up with the idea that he’d like to work on something that we can later use ourself, and to meet company interests, it would be nice if it’s based on vehicle data. weiterlesen

Welcome to my blog about quantified cars (doctoral thesis topic), my publications and my life.
The blog started around beginning of December 2016 and is supposed to go live in January 2017.

Christian Kaiser